Data Washing and Data List Refinement

Data Washing and Data List Refinement ensures that you are speaking to the right decision makers. If you need help washing and refining your data, talk to us today.

Talk to us about any of our data washing or data refinement services today. Our results are guaranteed.

Utilising a carefully crafted, personalised letter to support an outbound strategy has proven to be very effective initial means of communicating with senior decision makers. The benefits of this approach strategy include:

Finger print

It looks personalised, highly professional and as if you have taken time and effort to reach out to the decision maker.


It assists to get around gatekeepers.


It promotes brand awareness and lets the decision maker know to expect a call.


It allows for inbound leads prior to calling.

However, its success is dependent on it reaching the right people. Whilst it is possible to take a data list of companies or individuals with certain titles and simply mail it, experience shows that titles only provide an indication as to role and responsibility; the ultimate decision maker’s title can vary from business to business. Instead of making assumptions based solely on titles, we generally implement a data washing team to efficiently place calls to the selected companies prior to mailing to confirm who is responsible for decisions regarding a specific service/product. This process also allows us the opportunity to identify any other stakeholders or influencers in the decision-making process and to confirm the postal address details.

Data Washing means:

  • You’re not spending money on letters that go to the wrong people
  • We speak to more decision makers throughout the campaign
  • Increasing the efficiency of the calling, since we do not have to navigate through the company when trying to set an appointment
  • Decreasing the time we need to pitch to decision makers, as they are expecting our call and no lengthy introductions or explanations are required.

Data Guarantee

All of our business data and consumer data is guaranteed for quality and accuracy.  If you purchase data from us and find records that are inaccurate or do not meet the mutually agreed criteria, we will replace the record or provide a pro-rate refund.  We can’t be fairer than that.

Get in touch today to find out why our business and consumer data is considered the best available anywhere in Australia.  Our results are guaranteed.

Data Washing and Data List Refinement 2

Are you speaking to the right decision makers?

Get in touch with us to discuss how we provide or improve your data. All of our data covered by our guarantee.

Upgrade your sales pipeline with qualified opportunities Data Washing and Data List Refinement 3

Get in touch for a confidential discussion of how Lead Express can assist your business. We service a range of business lead generation outsourcing and consultancy requirements across Australia.